uniform experiment FRAGMENT: UNICO / L/S WIDE CUT & SEWN / BLACK




Featured in the fantasy work "UNICO" released by Osamu Tezuka in 1976. The back, which looks like a wide-spec body as a canvas, has a mixed graphic that combines Unico and the circle thunder logo, which is the icon of fragment design, and the front is printed with the logo of the three parties, which is a proof of the triple name. Specs are enriched, such as adopting a binder neck so that it does not stretch easily even after repeated wearing and washing. It is available in two colors, black and white. MATERIAL: 14/1 BD SINGLE JERSEY QUALITY: COTTON 100% Made in Japan ITEM NO. UE-220078 🔔購買需知🔔 📮現貨商品: 順豐寄貨(運費到付) 💭所有完成付款之訂單. 將於5個工作天內寄出. 訂單出貨後. 客人可於購買記錄內查看順豐追蹤號. 💭請所有客人提供正確收件地址及聯絡電話 (如資料有誤導致貨品寄失. 一切責任客人自負) 門市自取 🪴所有完成付款之訂單. 可於第2個工作天起到門市取貨. 請自行留意門市營業時間. 📮訂購商品: 🪴所有訂購商品. 完成下單後會安排買貨. 🪴成功代購之商品.一般會於10-14個工作天到貨. 到貨後會通知取貨 🪴未能成功購買之訂單(如缺貨缺碼)將會通知退款
